Department 6.5 - COMMERCIAL LAMBS
Rules for Commercial & Breeding Sheep:
Commercial ewes will show by weight. Registered ewes and bucks will show by age.
Registered ewes or bucks must have registration papers in hand or will show as commercial.
Registration certificates must be available for inspection at check-in and animals must be wearing the association ear tag.
There will be no commercial bucks.
Exhibitors will turn in their own weight of commercial ewes. Ewes will be subject to a 5 lb weigh back after the conclusion of the class.
Any breeding ewe without registration papers can only show as commercial.
Commercial ewes must have baby teeth.
Commercial ewes may show as slick sheared or with hair/wool. Slick sheared ewes must be uniformly sheared above the knees and hocks, no longer than a standard cover coat or extra cover blade length. Haired/wooled ewes may be any length. No sheep may have artificial or glued in hair/wool on any part of the body.
Possible breeds are the same as the market lamb division.
There are no minimum or maximum weights.
Junior lamb classes must have lamb teeth.
Senior lamb classes may have four permanent teeth.
Points offered
Division 651--Open
Division 652--Junior
Division 653--Little Britches
101 Junior Ewe (under 1 year old)
Grand Champion
Reserve Grand Champion