1. Possession of the animal deadline will be July 1st. Primary care of the animal must be verified by the County Extension Agent and/or Agriculture Teacher.
2. All sale participants must be either a 4-H or FFA member. No one that is married may participate in the premium sale.
3. The Premium Sale Buyers will receive a letter in August with a list of participants that have met all of the above mentioned requirements, for the upcoming Youth Premium Sale. This notification will afford the buyers time to plan and allocate where they wish to spend their money prior to Premium Sale day.
4. The sale order will be Grand Champions, Reserve Champions and the Show judge will pick the remaining order of the sale based upon his
evaluation of all animals.
5. All Livestock Show Rules apply to Nevada County Fair Premium Sale.
6. This show and sale is open to exhibitors in the PeeWee and Junior Divisions only. Ages 5 to 19.
7. Any livestock exhibitor who intends to go through the Premium Sale must be pre-registered on an official entry form filled out in its entirety and post marked with the same deadline as the Nevada County Fair Livestock entry form to: Nevada County Premium Sale, PO Box 307 Prescott, AR 71857.
8. Nevada County Fair Association and Nevada County Youth Premium Sale Committee shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage to said property or the owners thereof.
9. All animals entered into the Premium Sale are to be shown by the youth exhibiting them unless unavoidable circumstances forbid their presence, in which case, the animals may be shown by another youth with prior approval of the Premium Sale Committee.
10. Livestock Buyers dinner will be held at 5:30 and the Livestock Premium Sale will begin at 6:30 pm, Thursday, September 12, 2024.
11. Only one animal per exhibitor will be permitted in the sale.
12. Animals shown in any other county fair shall not be eligible to show in Nevada County Fair’s Livestock Show and Premium Sale.
13. DO NOT decorate (ribbons, glitter, paint, etc.) your animal for the sale. The animals should look like they did in the show.
14. Livestock exhibitors are required to put together a gift basket for their buyer. The baskets are to be a minimum of $25.00. The gift baskets may contain a variety of items. The baskets will be presented to the buyer at the sale.
15. All Premium Sale checks will be mailed 60 days after the fair, any buyers that have not paid by that time will not be included in your first check. An additional check will be mailed at a later date for the buyers that did not pay in the 60 days. An exhibitor that this affects will be mailed a check at that time. Included will be 2 (two) copies of photograph with buyer.
16. Each exhibitor will have a 3.5% deduction from total monies received to cover expenditures incurred for the premium sale (meat for meal, banner and decorations, photography expenses, postage, etc.).
17. All exhibitors are required to deliver a photo to the buyer. A photo will be provided to each exhibitor by the Premium Sale Committee along with check.
18. Failure to comply with these rules may result in forfeit of sale proceeds for the exhibitor or exemption from future sales.
19. When an exhibitor drops out of the sale and a buyer has already sent in money for said exhibitor, that money will be evenly divided between the remaining exhibitors.
This activity is open to all youth between the ages of 5 and 19 without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, gender or disability. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (large print, audiotapes, etc.) should notify the county Extension Office as soon as possible prior to the activity.